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Our team Forces of Atlantis won 1st Place at the Regional Lower Mainland Tournament in December 2017 and were invited to attend the FLL International Open in Tallinn, Estonia in June 2018 to represent Canada among 90 teams from around the world.

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FIRST Lego League Robotics Tournament

  • The BC Provincial Championship occurs every year in February in Victoria, B.C.
  • Students follow guidelines, rules and code of conduct established by FIRST LEGO League
  • Missions are released yearly end of August, and students prepare over the next 5 months to perform both a Robotics challenge and a research project related to current events impacting society & humanity.
  • Regional champions have the potential to move to national and international competitions.
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Our team Forces of the Galaxy won 1st Place Teamwork Award at the FIRST LEGO League World Festival in Houston Texas, April 2019. They blogged about their story on their Team Blog Site.

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BCIT Gearbots Engineering Challenge

  • Occurs every year as a 1 day event in April at the Abbotsford Trade X Convention Centre
  • Teams of up to 3 students ages 9-15 compete in missions designed by Gearbots and presented on the day of the competition
  • Event is hosted in coordination with Skills BC Canada Provincial Competitions
