Here’s what parents are saying about LEGO Robotics at Daedalos Academy:

[Daedalos Academy’s] Robotics program beats anything I have found in the Lower Mainland.  Their team-based approach helps kids work together to use their intellect and creativity to overcome obstacles and create robots that can tackle issues that surround us (recycling, aging, etc).

My son is a Lego enthusiast and has been in Lego programs … and summer camps at West Point Grey Academy and UBC.  He first attended a Daedalos Academy Lego Robotics camp at spring break in 2015.  Since that camp, he only wants to attend Daedalos Academy Lego camps/classes.

[My son] does not want to go to any other Lego or robotics program.  He never gets tired of it and loves building and programming to meet the various challenges. His nickname for [one of the coaches] is “Mr Awesome.”  [The Daedalos Academy organizers] run a brilliant program.  It is so cool. Every term has a new theme and you get to build and program whatever you think will work.

[The Daedalos Academy Coordinators] are a creative, enthusiastic team who inspire the children to meet the building and programming challenges.  They are very well-organized and clearly love what they do. They are responsive to the children and are very good at helping them work out why the robot is not doing what it needs to, without telling the children what to do.  They are diplomatic and are very comfortable dealing with enthusiastic and creative children. My son has also done an after-care with them during a camp week and was reluctant to leave when I came to pick him up because he was having so much fun.

[About the Senior Solutions Robotics FLL Challenge Missions at the LKE After School Program] What a great idea to get the kids to learn about designing robots to overcome common challenges of elderly persons.  I also really like the awareness and empathy that this fosters for the students about what it like to be an elderly person.  Your program is so applicable to life: challenges of daily living as a person with physical restrictions or absent-mindedness (robot has to ensure stove is turned off – another example he provided), and dealing with garbage and recycling.  Most Lego and Robotics program just focus on ‘fun creation.’  My son also has fun, but he is also being challenged to think and then create ways to overcome obstacles.  So relevant to life!

My son is looking forward to coming back again for the 4th time. Lego robotics is one class I never have to ask him twice if he wants to attend. He loves it. – DM

My child loved spring break camp and particularly enjoyed the Minotaur maze and building the remote control for the robots.
– CM

If your child attended one of our classes, what did you think of our program? We’d love to hear from you! Please write your review in the comments below. We thank you in advance!


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